Expect a Shuswap Senior to Sit in a Rocking Chair, and Suddenly There’s a Party
By Carole Jeffries
As tulips push their way toward the sun and birds return from the south, all this spring activity prompts people to anticipate the warm days ahead and reminisce about summers past. Often, happy plans and fond memories center on summer picnics—those special times that add charm and whimsy to our lives as we spread blankets in a scenic spot, snack on favourite foods, and spend quality time with family and friends.
With this in mind, the South Shuswap Community Response Network (SSCRN) is hosting a Summer Picnic on Tuesday, June 13 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at The Sorrento Centre (1159 Passchendaele Road, Sorrento). Depending on weather, the event will be held on the lawn, under a tent, or inside.
Whether it’s lawn games, music and entertainment, storytelling, information booths, mini workshops, door prizes, yummy food, lively conversations, or simply gazing at the view from the beautiful Sorrento Centre grounds, there will be something for everyone. All you need to bring is a comfy lawn chair or colourful picnic blanket and whatever else you might need for an afternoon of fun with family, friends, and neighbours.
In addition to welcoming summer, the picnic will celebrate Seniors in the South Shuswap to raise awareness of their many contributions to our community. After all, over 1/3 of South Shuswap residents are over the age of 65—and they’re not sitting around in rocking chairs or creating a drag on the economy. Contrary to these common stereotypes, our seniors and Elders are running businesses that keep our community vibrant, volunteering thousands of hours for organizations that otherwise couldn’t exist, operating the farms that feed us so deliciously, presenting visual and performing arts that the Shuswap is renowned for, working in essential services that we all use, mentoring young entrepreneurs who will run the businesses of tomorrow, raising or helping to raise children and teens, securing government grants for a range of community projects and activities, and then delivering those projects and activities.
Whew! That’s quite a list. Obviously, it’s hard to keep up with our local seniors and Elders.
The SSCRN chose June 13 for the event to correspond with World Elder Abuse Awareness Day the same week. Not only will the picnic celebrate seniors and Elders and offer a fun way for all generations to reconnect after a long winter, it will also raise awareness of and provide support to older adults in the South Shuswap who may be vulnerable to abuse, neglect, and self neglect.
Put the date in your calendar, enjoy some fun and sun while celebrating seniors and Elders in the Shuswap.
The SSCRN was launched in the fall of 2022. It’s part of the BC Association of Community Response Networks—which describes the network as “a diverse group of concerned community members, community agencies, local businesses, government agencies, professionals, and others who come together to create a coordinated community response to abuse, neglect, and self-neglect in vulnerable adults.”
Here in the South Shuswap, the Sorrento Centre serves as the SSCRN’s community hub and first point of contact for people in Blind Bay, Eagle Bay, Notch Hill, Sorrento, Sunnybrae, Tappen, White Lake, and the surrounding rural area. The Sorrento Centre hosts SSCRN prevention and education activities with local stakeholders (including the upcoming picnic) as well as “See Something, Say Something” and other programs.
The SSCRN was originally created in partnership with the local food bank, home-care services, and health unit, and has grown to include other interested individuals, social and government agencies, and organizations. For more information, please email CRN@sorrentocentre.ca or call 250-675-2421 Ext. 104. Website https://bccrns.ca/bccrnsnetwork/south-shuswap
Croquet on the lawn at Sorrento Centre (photo credit: Jane Dittrich)