“The history of modern culture is a history of popular entertainments evolving into art.”
~ Andrew Hoberek
Past Issues
If there is an archived issue that you need and don’t see it below, please email your request to shuswapscoop@gmail.com

Have you got a news article or information about an event or meeting you would like printed in the Scoop?
Submit News
Articles and Letters to the Editor can be sent to editorial.thescoop@gmail.com
We accept many articles from people, especially if the article contains information for or about the community. After all, we are a community newsletter and look forward to receiving information about what’s happening in our area so that we can get the “SCOOP” out to our locals and visitors.
Articles that solicit business are considered a form of advertising and are optional at fee of .30 cents per word. If you would like more information about submitting a paid Advertorial please email: advertising.thescoop@gmail.com
Article length should be an average of 500 words. Longer and shorter articles will certainly be considered and photos may also be submitted. All submissions require permission from the Publisher before printing and we reserve the right to edit as necessary for space, punctuation and clarity. Picture(s) may be printed depending on space availability. When supplying pictures please include a description and photo credit.
Letters to the Editor are accepted with consideration for printing. Please keep letters brief (preferably under 400 words). Also please be respectful as we will not print letters that are overly slanderous or damaging to individuals or businesses in our area. We reserve the right to print and/or edit for space and clarity. Kind letters are encouraged.
Articles and Letters to the Editor can be sent to: editorial.thescoop@gmail.com