Kids Only Shopping Hits Fundraising Record in 2024

cedar heights shuswap

Volunteer Elves assist youngsters during the annual Kids Only Christmas Shopping event at Cedar Heights. (Photo contributed)

By Jo Boxwell

The Cedar Heights Kids Only Shopping event is the best place in the South Shuswap for children ages 5-12 to do their Christmas shopping. It seems many local families agree with me as the event saw a huge turnout for their 27th year. 146 kids found gifts for loved ones with the help of the Cedar Heights elves in 2024. Event Coordinator Susan McLeod explained that the event has seen significant growth in recent years. There were about 80 kids participating when she first started helping back in 2018. She also highlighted the contributions of committee members Sharon Hornseth and Chris Newton, whose dedication played a key role in this year’s planning and execution.

“It takes a large number of volunteers to make this event happen,” Susan shared. “Starting a month before, over 100 volunteers were involved this year, helping with sorting, pricing, assisting kids while shopping, wrapping gifts, baking, making coffee, setting up, cleaning up, and countless other duties. It really takes a village!”

Bryan Lowes & Susan McLeod present Kathy Brydon (Sorrento Food Bank) with a cheque for $3,251.17

I deposited my kid at the lower entrance of the community hall with his pocket money, a list of close family members to buy for, and instructions to buy small gifts because some items needed to travel. I made my way around the outside of the hall to the upper entrance (no parents allowed in the shopping area) where there were hot drinks and cookies available by donation.

A wide array of new and gently used items were donated by community members for the children to choose from, and everything was priced between $1 and $8. With the assistance of a helpful elf, my son got to check everyone off his list. Susan said that people were so generous with the items they donated this year, the Committee for Kids Only Shopping was also able to run a silent auction featuring some of the higher value items.

When my son finally emerged, he was carrying several bags filled with large gifts, and he had a big grin on his face. I don’t think he has ever had so much fun shopping for other people. Everything was wrapped and labelled to stop us sneaky parents from peeking. The kid’s feedback: “It’s great because there are so many options to choose from.”

From a fundraising perspective, the 2024 event was a big success. Susan said that the event raised a new record of $3,251.17, with all proceeds going to the Sorrento Food Bank.

Donated gifts were displayed for the 146 kids only shoppers (photo contributed)


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