North/South Shuswap School Trustee Elected by Acclamation
Corryn Grayston - North/South Shuswap School Trustee
Media Release
Corryn Grayston has lived in the Shuswap region for over 17 years and for the past 10 years, she and her family have resided on a small acreage in Tappen. Her son attends Carlin Elementary Middle School and started Grade 4 this year.
When her son began kindergarten, Corryn became involved with the Carlin Elementary Middle School Parent Advisory Council as well as the North Okanagan-Shuswap District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC). She took on Executive roles in both organizations and has held positions of Treasurer and DPAC Rep for Carlin PAC and for the last 3+ years she has held the position of President for DPAC.
Throughout her years with DPAC, Corryn and her fellow Executive have made great strides in developing positive and respectful relationships with PAC’s, parents, students, SD83 Trustees, NOSTA, CUPE and SD83 Administration. It is these relationships that Corryn is most proud of, and she will continue to build upon in her role as School Trustee for SD83. She has also been a co-creator of DPAC’s Diverse Abilities Advocacy Committee. This group of individuals come together to identify gaps in resources and supports for school students with diverse learning abilities and then advocate for necessary change to Trustees, SD83, BCCPAC and the Ministry of Education and Child Care BC.
“Building relationships and engaging with parents/caregivers, students, teachers, support staff, administration and the larger community is a vital element to ensuring we have successful and sustainable programming and supports for our children. We must be consistently responsive and flexible to the changing needs within our schools and community as well as being openly transparent and accountable for our actions and decisions,” says Corryn.
Prior to moving to the Shuswap, Corryn worked in Calgary and had a rewarding career working in Human Resources and Financial Management leadership roles within the legal sector. Upon relocating to Salmon Arm in 2005, she took on the role of Executive Director of the Salmon Arm Chamber of Commerce, a position she held for over 14 years. In 2020 it was time for a change, and she resigned from the Chamber to start her own consulting company and dedicate more time to her family and community. She is also President of the South Shuswap Chamber of Commerce and President of the Sorrento Memorial Hall Association - temporarily stepping away from these positions in her bid for SD83 Trustee – Area 3.
Corryn and Natalya Melynchuk acclaimed CSRD Area G Director will be holding two joint meet-and-greet town halls on October 16, 2022: Sorrento Memorial Hall – 2:00 to 4:00 pm and October 19, 2022: Cedar Heights Community Hall 7:00 -9:00 pm.