Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue Gears up for Summer
Shuswap RCMSAR members attended the ‘She is Anything’ event in Abbotsford in April (RCMSAR photos)
By Barbra Fairclough
The boathouse is almost finished! The floating rescue base, located at Sicamous, was built to house the assets of Shuswap RCMSAR, including its two rescue boats and a ready room to house uniforms and response gear.
Tamara Lansing of RCMSAR confirms they are getting the final touches on it. “We have really great supporters helping with finishing touches with tables and chairs in the classroom as well as painting and cleaning. We are really excited to see our new boat house.”
After the fires last year, there was a lot of work preparing so that this year, RCMSAR volunteers could be better equipped. “We put together a task force to reflect on what happened, how it went and looked for ways to improve things for this season,” says Tamara.
The Boathouse is nearly complete.
RCMSAR confirms they have been doing additional training with crew on land and on boat, using role-playing exercises. Table top exercises as well help first responders to anticipate and increase awareness for different potential scenarios.
Tamara confirms this is an ongoing process now. “Currently there is quite a bit of training happening. We have some new members onboard for the summer.”
“We have many volunteers who have worked previously in emergency management services such as police, fire, etc. We are happy to have their experience.” Tamara says they hope to train alongside the Fire Department, CP Rail, BC Ambulance Service and other emergency agencies in the province.
Vessel inspectors from Prince Rupert came to complete annual inspections of the vessels on April 27 and 28. This ensures the boats are up to standard. The inspectors were given a ride on the lake and a boat house tour after the inspections were completed.
Eight volunteers are receiving their first aid and their transportation endorsement. Norma Leslie and Malerie Selfe attended “The Sky’s no limit-She is Anything” event in Abbotsford. The show’s intention is to inspire future leaders in Aviation, Aerospace, Marine and Defence.
Tamara says, “Everyone is doing their part.”
The Kids Don’t Float kiosk which hosts free lifejackets for the public were replaced at Canoe Beach. There is a new kiosk now installed at Pebble Beach and there is a new life ring at Mill Park. “The kiosks will be set up in time for the May Long weekend and after that we give them regular checks throughout the active months.”
With low water, boaters are reminded to be aware of low water areas while navigating.
RCMSAR has 29 active volunteers now and are prepared for a busy season. Volunteers will be conducting friendly boat safety inspections during the May Long weekend. These are free to anyone who is interested. Follow Facebook for updates.