SEDS Looking to Prioritize Ideas for Economic Prosperity


By Jo Anne Malpass

The Shuswap Economic Development Society (SEDS) has completed its first survey asking for your ideas to make our community prosper and has now released a second survey asking for your input to prioritize those ideas and help identify the highest impact strategies for improving our local economy.

To complete the survey go to by November 20, 2022

The top five most popular themes were - improved and pedestrian/bike friendly roadways, better trails and public transit; increased recreation facilities and nature/lake access; more schools, health services and community services; more affordable and available housing; and enhanced year-round tourism amenities and marketing.

SEDS is developing the strategy for the South Shuswap, North Shuswap and Salmon Valley/Falkland. It has created an economic snapshot for the areas which can be found at It has also visited numerous events and markets to spread the word and identified a long list of assets we can build on for economic development and hundreds of ideas for actions and projects.

It is also working to improve internet services in the area. In order to show that the service in most areas is less than 50m download and 10m upload, it is asking people to complete the internet speed test, at The next step is a master internet plan for each area.

Along with engagement with the public, SEDS has organized a Business Roundtable group of local business, non-profit and others with valuable knowledge of the area to develop a strategy going forward.

Components of the draft strategy include the vision to maintain our rural character and sense of place; promote four seasons of business; diversify our economic base; enhance quality of life for all ages; build climate change resilience; strengthen the local labour market; promote vibrant community centres and increase access to housing.

On October 18, it held its first business round table meeting to look at weaknesses/threats and strengths/opportunities.

Our Competitive Advantage incudes our physical assets (e.g., lake, mountains) and the proximity to four-season nature and recreation. The vision statement should “communicate that we are serious about protecting these assets and acting on climate change.” We’re a well-rounded “healthy” community that covers all the social determinants of health and able to feed ourselves with the high number of local producers.

Weaknesses and conversely areas for improvement include: lack of public transportation, completion of Highway 1 upgrades, declining lake health, lack of accommodation for workers, available and affordable housing, daycare shortages, limited youth programming/activities and difficulty engaging the public. Volunteerism is down, affecting local non-profits.

For more information, contact John Reed, Executive Director, at 250 804 5527 or


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